Let’s be honest. Many of us spend hours worrying about our hair loss and its impact on our self-esteem. But why does hair loss happen? And what can you do about it?
This comprehensive guide will tell you everything you need to know about hair loss – from the causes to the treatments.
The causes of hair loss
While hair loss is most common in men, women can also suffer from it. The reason is that the hair cycle is a little different between genders.
While a man’s hair is produced every month, a woman’s hair is only produced every 28 days. That means that men have more hair than women.
As the hair grows, it starts to fall out, and when it’s shed, it falls off the head. This is how hair loss occurs.
The cause of hair loss can vary between men and women.
Men tend to lose their hair because of a hormonal imbalance. As a result of this, they often experience hair loss during their mid-20s.
Women, on the other hand, usually suffer from hair loss because of genetics. If your mother, grandmother, or aunt has hair loss, you could have it too.
The difference between hair loss and baldness
Hair loss is often referred to as a hair loss problem or alopecia. It can affect anyone regardless of gender, ethnicity, or age.
Baldness, on the other hand, is defined by a complete lack of hair. This includes men with hair loss but still a full head of hair, and women with thinning hair but no baldness.
While alopecia is a hair loss problem, baldness is a hair loss condition.
While both types of hair loss are equally unpleasant, the treatments differ. For hair loss problems, we’ll show you how to treat hair loss and prevent future hair loss.
Treatments for hair loss
Hair loss affects up to 40% of the world’s population. This is an epidemic that needs to be addressed.
I am going to tell you all about the most effective hair loss treatments out there.
1. DHT blockers
DHT stands for dihydrotestosterone, and it is a hormone that is responsible for causing hair loss. DHT is produced when testosterone enters the body and is converted into dihydrotestosterone. This conversion can be stopped by blocking the action of DHT.
While this is the most common treatment for hair loss, it has some drawbacks. In particular, the treatment works slowly, taking up to six months before it starts to show results.
2. Finasteride
Finasteride is a drug that is used to treat hair loss. It is a 5 alpha-reductase inhibitor and works by preventing the conversion of testosterone to DHT.
The treatment is fast, but it comes with some side effects. The most common side effect is low sperm count. However, the treatment is considered safe for long-term use.
3. Minoxidil
Minoxidil is a medication that is used to treat hair loss. It is a vasodilator and stimulates the growth of hair follicles.
Minoxidil is the only medication that has been shown to stop hair loss in 100% of cases.
4. Platelet-rich plasma
Platelet-rich plasma is a treatment for hair loss that uses a patient’s own blood.
It is commonly used to treat hair loss that is caused by alopecia areata.
5. Hair transplant
Hair transplant is a technique where new hair is transplanted from the back of the head to the bald area.
Hair transplant is usually the last option for patients who don’t respond to any other treatment.
6. Hair restoration surgery
Hair restoration surgery is a technique that uses a patient’s own hair to grow on the bald area.
This is the most expensive option and is often used to treat patients with alopecia totalis.
Preventing hair loss
The good news is that we can prevent hair loss and keep your hair healthy. The bad news is that it requires time, effort, and patience.
A healthy diet and regular exercise are important for all of us. However, they are particularly important for women who are prone to hair loss.
When it comes to nutrition, women need to eat a diet rich in omega-3 fats, and avoid eating foods with high levels of omega-6 fats.
Regular exercise is also essential. Women who exercise regularly tend to lose more hair than those who don’t.
Finally, avoiding stress is important. Stress is a major cause of hair loss.
While we can’t stop hair loss, we can make sure it doesn’t impact our lives.
If you’re experiencing hair loss, the best thing to do is to start treating the underlying causes of your hair loss.
If you’re experiencing hair loss due to stress, diet, hormonal imbalance, and a lack of sleep, you can start improving your diet and sleep patterns to prevent further hair loss.
If you’re experiencing hair loss because of genetics, there are medications and natural remedies you can try.
And finally, if you’re experiencing hair loss due to medical reasons, you can visit your doctor and see if there’s a way you can address your condition.