If your stomach is bloated, you may feel as if there’s too much air in your stomach, and you may find it difficult to sit or lie down. Most cases of bloating are caused by overeating, but they can also be caused by eating too fast and drinking too much water.
In this blog post, we’ll look at some of the most common causes of bloating and offer tips on how to avoid bloating in the future.
What Causes a Bloated Stomach?
Bloating is caused when excess air is retained in the abdomen or bowel. It is a common condition, especially during meals, which may be due to gas production, abnormal movement of the bowel, or distention of the stomach or bowel.
Gas production: Gas is a natural product of the digestion of food. With proper digestion, it travels down the esophagus into the stomach and is absorbed through the intestine. However, if the digestive system is dysfunctional, the gas builds up and may cause abdominal distension.
Abnormal movement of the bowel: The intestines normally move rhythmically. In people with irritable bowel syndrome, the bowel does not move as it should, leading to an accumulation of gas and abdominal distension.
Distention of the stomach or bowel: Food in the stomach and intestines is normally soft and easily digested. However, in some people, the digestive process is incomplete and leads to the accumulation of gas and distension of the abdomen.
Reasons why your stomach is bloated:
Poor Diet
If you’re suffering from that bloated feeling, you may be like your mom and dad. They probably just overate, and you’re feeling the aftereffects.
To combat a bloated feeling, you need to reduce bloating. You can accomplish this by drinking lots of water, and by avoiding foods that are known to cause stomach bloating.
Firstly, drink plenty of water to hydrate your stomach and to help flush out the excess gas.
Secondly, eliminate foods from your diet that are known to result in bloating. Foods that contain a lot of fiber, such as beans or fresh fruits and vegetables, can make you feel bloated. So can spicy foods.
You may have to change your diet to reduce or eliminate these foods. However, simply reducing the amount of these foods in your diet can help reduce bloating.
Stress and Anxiety
Stress and anxiety are typical situations that occur in everyday life. Stress and anxiety are related to muscle tightening and muscle tensing. Muscle feeling tense or tight may lead to pain of deep tissue massage.
The causes of stress vary from person to person. Some common causes of stress are:
1. The death of a loved one or good friend.
2. Losing a job.
3. Moving into a new house or apartment.
4. Family problems.
5. Financial difficulties.
Common symptoms of stress include:
1. A headache.
2. Increased heart rate.
3. Muscle tension.
4. Muscle pain.
5. Muscle fatigue.
Dehydration is a common problem that can cause a bloated stomach. There are several ways that you can help to remedy this condition.
Drink plenty of fluids: One of the most important things that you can do to remedy dehydration is to drink plenty of fluids. When your body is dehydrated, it begins to break down muscle tissue and fat to create water. This process is not helpful and will lead to a bloated stomach.
Eat light meals: Another way to help to avoid a bloated stomach is to eat light meals. When your stomach is empty, it doesn’t have room to store food. This means that you won’t get as bloated after eating food.
Take digestive supplements: If you suspect that you are dehydrated, it is a good idea to take digestive supplements. Digestive supplements help to break down food and help to absorb nutrients. This can help to relieve some of the symptoms of dehydration, such as a bloated stomach.
Hormonal Imbalances
Hormonal imbalances can cause a lot of unwanted problems. Many people believe that hormonal imbalances are unavoidable. However, your hormonal imbalances are directly related to your diet.
The foods you eat balance your hormones. If you eat foods full of trans-fats, dairy products, and other foods with saturated fats, you will create hormonal imbalances. If you do not eat enough protein, or you eat meat that is high in fat, you will create hormonal imbalances.
Eating a healthy diet will balance out your hormones. When you start eating a healthy diet, you will notice even more benefits than reducing your hormonal imbalances.
3 Foods That Can Cure a Bloated Stomach
The stomach is one important part of our body that is responsible for turning food into energy. Therefore, maintaining a healthy and stable stomach is important for overall good health. Taking these three foods can cure a bloated stomach:
1. Oatmeal: Oatmeal has been known to be beneficial for babies and young children when it comes to dealing with stomach issues. However, it can also be used for adults suffering from stomach issues as well. This breakfast food has a soothing effect on the stomach. It is also known to be high in fiber, magnesium, manganese, and phosphorus.
2. Peppermint Tea: Peppermint tea helps in treating upset stomachs thanks to its ability to provide a natural relief. This herbal tea is derived from peppermint leaves and is known for its ability to induce calmness. It can also help in soothing the stomach when consumed in moderation.
3. Tea: Tea is also known to ease stomach pain, especially when consumed with honey. However, it is important to keep in mind that honey has more calories than sugar.
Home Remedies To Treat a Bloated Stomach
Here are some of the best remedies to treat a bloated stomach.
1. Use Baking Soda. Baking soda is an inexpensive and easy way to cure your stomach from getting bloated. This remedy is very effective and does not take much time at all. All you have to do is mix two tablespoons of baking soda in a glass of water and drink this mixture.
2. Eat Apples. Eating an apple is one of the best ways to treat a bloated stomach. Apples are full of pectin fiber that makes you feel full and makes you not want to eat as much.3. Eat Yogurt: Yogurt is a popular remedy because it contains probiotics, which help to wash away the bad bacteria that are causing you to feel bloated.